Last night I went to get gas for Kelly's car so she could take it today down to Ogden. But, when I sat down in her car I was met with a sticky suprise. At first I was perplexed I didn' know what on earth could have ade such a sticky mess. Fnny enough it smelled like Pepsi, (oh! sweet nector of the gods) but there was nothing sweet about this Pepsi. We had the sticky car straight from Hell. We hadn't used Kelly's car for a couple of day so it had sat in the driveway and heated up a can of unopened Pepsi we had left in there. Sure enough the myth is true, a can of pop if left in a hot car will heat to an unknown temp and go boom. I can imagine the explosion by the looks of the inside of her car. So I guess I will be forking out some dough for a good detailing and shampoo. Think of all the pepsi I could have bought with that money. ( you know what I mean Kenzie)
So today's lesson is...
never leave an unnopened can of Pop in a hot car.
Wow! I wondered if that was really true, now I know. Also I am sorry that you have to fork over the money to get it cleaned.
I hate sticky seats. Yuck!
You got ripped! Caffeine Free? No wonder it exploded. The Pop Gods were just getting even.
Yikes...FYI - the same thing happens when you leave a soda can in the car during a cold winter. Not pretty...I totally feel your pain.
That happened to me once when I was a kid. Me and two of my sisters had just gone to A&W and picked up hamburgers and rootbeer for the family for dinner. I was holding a gallon of rootbeer in a milk jug like container and it was a hot day. We didn't have air conditioning and the jug I was holding started to expand. Well, It exploded on the way home. I was covered and the car was covered and so were my sisters. I feel your pain.
Ha- I barely saved that from happening last summer...I got in my VERY HOT car and a diet coke was in the back, totally swelled up, about to POP! So I carefully grabbed it (I was scared to touch it!), and ran to the dumpster...luckily the dumpster was outside because the second I tossed it in, it exploded! It was so cool...like diet coke FLYING many feet into the air! Forget fireworks, I'll take exploding diet coke anyday...but not in my car... :)
Ahhhh yes, I am sipping the sweet nector as I type. You should write this into the snopes website where people can go to see if things are true or not........Yes a can of pop will explode if left in a hot car! Too funny.
The new blog looks fantastic!
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