Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Diets, Skinny girls, and Venting!!

So still no camera which means still no pictures UNLESS I dare to use Steve's new expensive camera (and I'm still a little nervous to pull it out!!). Anyway...

Steve and I have been noticing lately that we are getting chubbier and chubbier around the middle (and for me around every body part I own)

so we decided to challenge each other to a little weight loss competition! We weighed in on Tuesday and well that proved to be very disappointing!! But alas our weights have been recorded and the competition has begun. We will weigh in every Tuesday and the winner of the week will receive 2 hours of personal free questions asked!! I can't think of a better reward! side note...Steve weighed himself this morning (totally against the rules) and he informed me that he has already lost 1 1/2 pounds!! Let me fill you in on what he ate yesterday... weightloss shake, 3 slices of turkey bacon, 3/4 of a meatball footlong, 2 REGULAR Pepsi's, and an entire thin crust pepperoni pizza (minus 2 pieces)!! UNBELIEVABLE!! If I ate that in one day, I'm sure the scale would show an extreme weight gain...I may have my work cut out for me!

Which leads me to a little venting...last night I was with a group of ladies and we were talking about...weight! My most favorite topic...NOT!! Especially since lately I've noticed that I'm the fattest person in the room a lot lately!! Which let me tell you is a really horrible feeling. Anyway, the skinniest girl in the group was complaining about how fat she is, and she has a huge stomach blah, blah, blah! There really is nothing more annoying to me than a skinny woman complaining about the size of her stomach when I'm sitting right across from her. Now I know that skinny women are allowed to have their fat days and they can complain about their body being different than it was maybe in years past, but please do NOT call yourself fat when I'm sitting across from you...I can only imagine what you might think of my stomach!!

And back to the camera situation...Steve convinced me that my next phone would have such nice camera on it that I wouldn't need to buy a camera. HOWEVER apparantly that super nice phone with the super nice camera just happens to be the one that everyone in America would also like to I will continue to wait for a new phone (which has been long needed) and the camera that I'm assured will be awesome. We shall see!!


Tawnia Zilles said...

Yeah, I am glad to see that you are back to blogging. I have missed you. I find that my body is getting bigger everywhere too. It is disgusting. Maybe I should join your contest. Hey, we just hit our 1 year mark of being in are new house. Time sure does fly. Give me a call and lets chat.

Wanna-be-Cowgirl (aka Emily) said...

Back to Blogging! Yeah! Which, BTW, dito to everything you said. Good like with your contest... maybe you should join me and try out Crossfit!

Melissa said...

Tony and I once had a contest and by the end I wanted to kill him. Like Steve, he basically did nothing and lost all his stupid weight while I was actually trying and don't think I lost a pound. Better luck to you!

Lonna said...

Oh Kelly, I sure do miss you. And curse those men that are able to shed pounds just by saying so. Lame.

You know James and I recently had a conversation along these same lines, James is a frequent dieter as you may well remember and I am not feeling much of the love of a trim body these days, but both James and I have noticed something that has come along with the diet process. You bust your butt to loose the weight, and you cut out pretty much all your favorite things and lets say that you do loose some weight or maybe all the weight you want, but then when the goal weight is obtained are you happy? In our case not so much.

It is a dirty catch 22, you may be thinner or in the pant size that you want, but do you get to go back to eating your favorite things, not without giving up the "make your butt look great" pants. Or hit the gym for hours a day giving up time with your family and friends to sweat off the small slice of cheesecake.

Having said that I am off to the kitchen for a snack. I give into the pounds. Just consider yourself lucky that there is not a frozen custard place in Logan. There is one by us and well lets just say that the effects of those treats have not been good to me, but they are so good that I count it worth it, until I see my body in the mirror. You would die if you saw all my new stretch marks. If you want to feel better about yourself come and see us for the weekend.

Holly said...

Kelly! Ha! I love your posts and I totally know what you mean about being in a room full of skinny women. ALL (and I mean ALL) of my sisters-in-law are skinny. I am so obviously the heaviest person in the group that's humiliating. Oh well. I love your weight challenge with Steve. I'm rooting for you!