Friday, April 03, 2009

From the mouth of Cooper...

So my friend Kenzie has one of the funniest kids on the planet and every once in a while she posts something funny that she has said...well Coop has been saying some pretty funny things lately and I keep thinking I need to write them down before I forget, so here's a few funnies from the mouth of Coop...

We are fully potty trained now, but in the beginning there were lots of very thought provoking things that have come out of Coop's mouth, he's sitting on the toilet and all of a sudden his eyes get huge and he says, "mom! my pee is touching my poop!"

We have been sick ALOT lately, but most recently we took Coop to Instacare (we found out on this trip that he has pneumonia) where he had a different doctor than normal and she was a woman so I said to Coop, "was your doctor a girl?" and he said, "no, she was a LADY!"


Lonna said...

what! A lady. That is funny. I have a feeling that Coop is going to start saying Lady the way Steve says "ladies man". I can hear it now.

And the pee touching the poop, that is great, I love that when they wear diapers none of that matters, but when they use the potty all sorts of things are seen in a new light.

Ah Coop you are such a funny kid. Has he asked you if super hero's use the potty? Gwen seems to think that all her little toys need to use the potty, nice right. Yep that is where we are at. Just the toys using the potty.

Congrats on the fantastic work you are doing to earn a trip, you know that I will be standing at the baggage claim with banners and signs just waiting for you. You are doing such a great job, I don't know how you manage to work, be the amazing mom, and tackle a half marathon training as well. Maybe you should tell me your secrets, or you could always tack writing a book onto your list so that I can read about how you do what you do.

Katie said...

OK....first of all, I'm ready for a new post from you! Second of all, thanks for your cute comment on my post, yes..I am DEFINITELY prego! Definitely getting a belly..I know, because first of all everything is super tight, and second of all, my ever-so-honest students TELL me with no shame! And...YES, so excited for Bachelorette...and secretly kindof excited for that new weird Newlywed show on afterwards...the beginnings of a summer filled with trashy reality tv!

Tiffany said...

Kids say the darndest things! We are so going to miss you guys, that little Coop is so stinkin' cute!

Ashley said...

K I totally stalked you on facebook and then I found your blog. It looks like it's been a while so maybe you won't even get this, but I'm just incredibly bored so I thought I'd say hey! Let's hang out again soon!