Happy Birthday Squishy!!
A little apprehensive about the flaming candle, weird considering I really thought he had NO fear!!
A few gifts...the look on his face is like he already knows that it's just clothes!
And finally the cake...why do my kids eat their first piece of cake so daintily? He just stuck his finger in it a couple of times and then that was it!
UP UP and AWAY!!!
I never knew that 1 year could fly by so fast!! It was Payton's birthday on Thursday and I just cannot believe it!! He has been such an amazing addition to our family. He has a smile that consumes his face, a giggle that makes everyone else giggle, an inquisitive mind, and a determination like I have never seen!! We love you Payton!!
He is such a cutie. I think that was the fastest year ever. I can't believe that he is one.
Hooray for first birthdays. And for one candle on the cake. I am having a hard time believing that it has already been a year as well. He is so handsome, and that is a funny look on his face while getting ready to open the clothes. So cute.
I can't wait to see his giant smile and hear the infectious giggle for myself, even though he will almost be 18 months by then. Yikes where does the time go?
Glad to see that your parents are still invited to the parties and hosting them too. How fun to have them so close, yet far enough away that it is still a treat to visit their home.
Looks like a fun party. Did you poke your cake a few times too, or did you get to have the day off to really celebrate. Keep up the great work and you and I could be gallivanting about Austin in no time. I am planning on it.
So I haven't checked you blog in forever, because it usually takes you that long to make a post. :) So it looks like I have missed a few.
Payton's face is so funny looking at the candle. What a cute boy. Looks like a fun first birthday.
Happy belated to Steve! As long as he stays older than me it is all good.
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