Well from the events of the day, you wouldn't know that Steve and I are celebrating our 6th wedding anniversary...Cooper is sick (what else is new), and the day became a wash because we are both tired and confined to home so as not to spread the stomach flu. Nonetheless, our wedding day has been playing like a movie in my mind and I feel like it was yesterday, not 6 years ago!! I looked through our wedding pictures today and had forgotten that some people had been there and that some had not, I was surprised how different everyone looked, and I laughed at the family pictures of Steve and I with all of the nieces and nephews...so many new ones have come, and one has gone. But what didn't surprise me was how quickly the memories of my time with Steve on that day came. I remember very clearly walking down the hall in the temple to be united with him. He looked radiant. I remember sitting in a sealing room alone, and laughing over trivial things, like it was any ordinary day. I remember prompting him to say "yes" from across the altar when the time came. I remember the way his hands felt in my hands, mostly because they still feel the same way. I remember being so tired and running solely on adrenaline. I remember feeling overwhelmed before our reception and Steve sensing that and scooping me up off the floor to dance me back to a calm state. And I remember watching the clock waiting for the reception to be over so I could have him all to myself. We have made it through trials that I never thought we would have to face, and through joys that I never knew were possible. We have brought 2 amazing boys into this world, and I am always amazed that we made them!! He is truly my best friend and I know that we can do anything as long as we do it together! I love you Steve!! Happy Anniversary!
Hip hip hooray for #6!!! You know I have been thinking about your anniversary this past week, and I was talking to James about it. I remember after the ceremony when we had a chance to give some hugs and say our congrats, we were all in a line waiting to talk to you before we left the room, Steve was a little teared up, and I thought to myself how sweet it was to see him so moved by getting to marry you.
I think that you two are so great together. I love that you work well in business as well as friendship. One cooks and the other cleans up. That is not something that you come by in any little relationship. You both have made some great sacrifices and decisions in growing your family and business. I am so glad that I was able to be around for just a few of your moments that you will remember for a long time.
Let me know if you need a sitter so that you can go out for a real date, I know of one that lives on Cliffside. Bring on the next year!
I forgot to tell you that I really like the new holiday background that you added. It makes me want to listen to Christmas music. it is really cute.
Happy 6th Anniversary to both of you. Your pictures together are cute.
AW....so cute! I remember I started working at Einstein's right about when you got engaged...and you had the countdown on that big dry erase board in the back! You guys are such a cute fun couple! It'd be so fun to get together...we should really do that!
Okay, I'm sorry -- I haven't looked at your blog forever. Clearly I'm a slacker. Happy Anniversary 2 1/2 weeks ago - sorry it was kind of a wash - glad the memories are fabulous!
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