I think Cooper truly believed that Spiderman had been to the zoo and spun one of his mighty webs...
Coming out of the SPOOKY OLD TREE...
Oh to be as tall as a giraffe, here is daddy and Cooper trying to measure up!
What a grrrrreat time we had with the lions and tigers and bears...oh my!
Crocodile Coopee
And the highlight of our trip...the 3 minute train ride!!! I wish I had a video to share of this whole experience, because I have never seen ANYONE so beside themselves with happiness, thrill, and joy. He had to give the conductor a ticket, the conductor yelled, "ALL ABOARD!!", blew the whistle quite a few times, and away we went!!
I love this drinking fountain... I remember it from my days of childhood... so does Steve.
And I don't know why, but my favorite animal at the zoo is the elephant, I just can't help to think that they are so cute and huge at the same time!
I was wondering if you were going to post photos! Looks like tons of fun - it's making me what to take Bri to the Zoo. Next time...please invite the Merkley's.
OH Kelly I love the zoo. I am so glad that you put up these fun and exciting photos. I love seeing all the fun things you did at the zoo. So glad that you found traces of spiderman, and who wouldn't love the TRAIN!!!
Animals smanimals, I think that I would go just to see the lion fountain from my youth as well.
Lion and Tiger and Bears oh my! Can you believe it I figured outhow to do this all by myself. Kadie would be so proud of her mother. Love you guys .Hey come see us .The baptism and blessing don't count so don't even try that one I'm on to you.
Holy crow! Look who updated their blog. Welcome back my friend. The zoo looks like fun times.
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