Thank you Emily for tagging Coop! He is such a funny little boy and I honestly cannot believe how much he has grown up in only 2 short, fast years! I really don't even know where to start. He is a sports fanatic! It started out with this huge obsession over basketball during last years March Madness, that is when he started saying, "Backetball" every few seconds. It has now morphed over the past year into all things sports. He amazes me when he jumps on the ottoman and tells me he's snowboarding, or when he slides across the floor on his feet and informs us that he is surfing. Ping pong anyone? Because he pretends that he is playing that too. He has the amazing ability to turn anything into a basketball though! He "shoots" clothes from my laundry basket over our towel rack in our bath, now that is stretching it. We have one other obsession and that is trains! Thomas the tank engine is talked about alot! We bought Coop a train table for Christmas and now he will lock himself away in his room for an hour at a time playing trains. He is a super snuggly kid and wants a snuggle all the time, I really hope that never goes away. Lately he has learned to swallow air and burp, I really don't know where he learned this, Steve and I really don't do this! But the burps are always followed up by a loud, "Scuse Me" speaking of loud he also yells instead of sincerely says, "Sorry" when he does something wrong. And I know that something has been spilled or tipped over when he comes into the room out of the blue saying, Sorry Mama. He loves to be thrown around and wrestle with dad. He loves to play with other kids, but not kids his own age, he likes older kids. He loves to be outside and begs every chance he gets to go out and throw rocks in the pond, ride bikes, blow bubbles, swing on the swings, or color on the sidewalk. He is a parrott and repeats EVERYTHING!! The other day he told me to, "Look at me when I'm talking to you!" He also comes into the room and immediately asks, "What you doing?" I could go on for days but I won't. I never knew how much I would love him, and I am amazed with everyday that that love deepens. I can't imagine, now would I want a day without him. He is the sunshine and the sparkle of everyday and I love to see how the world is looking through his eyes. He is so quick to forgive and smile and I hope that he always carries that wonderful love and passion. I love you Cooper! Love, Mom
Alright so I happen to have both of your blogs still bookmarked on my computer, and when I opened up this one I saw the pictures of Coop and thought that I hit the wrong one. Well after I figured out what was going on I was so delighted to read all about my favorite Cooper.
I love all the pictures that you posted of him, and that he is so crazy about sports. He seriously cracks me up. I like to hear all the stories that you tell me of what he is doing or getting into, or not supposed to be saying.
You have such darling and precious children and the do get that from you. As for the burping well Gwen is also into that, and I know that she didn't get that from me. I can't believe that he already two and a half and so so smart, also a gift that you have given him. I just think that everyday in your house must be so much fun.
Gwen still talks about Cooper and when his pictures come up on the t.v. she yells his name and then it is a random word that works its way into phrases for the rest of the day. Obviously Cooper makes one great impression on everyone.
Way cute! Thanks for playin' I love Coop!
So cute! I love the fishing pic, and the one where the cat is bigger than him. It's fun to go through these older pictures huh? Good luck with the real estate classes. I always say I am going to do that, maybe after I catch up on laundry. Hah :)
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