Friday, January 25, 2008


Where there is one, you will often find the other! Coop and Jack are best buddies! If I was quick enough with the camera I would delight you all with a picture of Cooper riding Jack like a horse, but Jack only tolerates it for seconds and well these days I am just not that fast!!
P.S. this is how Coop "smiles" behind the bink!


Lonna said...

I love that your cats are so good with Coop. I would love to see a picture of Coop riding Jack. We know all too well about the hidden smiles. The "bink" is basically Gwen's best friend. Oh well what can you do?

Oh and by the way I am sure that you have not lost any speed. I happen to know first hand how great you look pregnant.

Lonna said...

Hey I heard that you just got a killer storm, are you stuck indoors, or was it not really so bad? Gwen keeps talking about Coop and trains, so I know that she is really thinking of the right kid, because we have not played with trains anywhere else.

I hope that you are doing well. Be careful you are getting down to the wire. That kid could pop out any day now. And we are so excited for it.

Josh and Emily said...

I hope that you don't mind, I stole your blog address from Kenzie's. It is so cute! The picture of Cooper and Jack is so cute, it makes me want a cat.
Just thought I'd give you my new blog address
I have a picture of spanx on there and some crazy guy was saying how much he loved the picture-way creepy. It's totally a weird picture too! Wacko!!