Well ladies I did it!! I beat Steve in our first weigh in. I lost 3 pounds and he lost only 2!! I'm just hoping that I can keep up my momentum, it's been much harder this week to watch what I'm eating! I feel tempted by my thoughts, and my husband. For example...I have been CRAVING carne asada burritos like crazy!! So yesterday my sweet husband calls me from the drive thru of Rancheritos to ask me if I would like one. I was looking at my already made ham sandwich made on a dinky sandwich thin while he was tempting me and the internal struggle was fierce!! But i turned him down and ate my 200 calorie sandwich...it's a little fat girl victory.And here's a few other things that have been happening:
I finally got a new phone!! Yeah!! AND IT'S AWESOME!! Who knew that downloading apps could be so fun (and time consuming, my house and it's condition are proof of that!). My favorite apps are the gospel library (full set of scriptures on my phone...yeah!), calorie counter (no more searching the internet for what i can eat before we leave the house), and of course the games!! And did I mention that the camera is 8 megapixels...that's killing 2 birds with one stone! So now lets see if I can get those pics off the phone to the blog...
Here's some of the pics I have taken...these clouds were so amazing to me, I've never seen clouds like this before and there they were just hanging out over my house on a Thursday afternoon, so apparently these are mammatus clouds....because well simply put they look like boobs ;) The funny thing is that at girls camp one of the classes we went to was about clouds and they handed out a book that had a picture of these clouds and I remember thinking that they looked pretty cool.

Funny times at work, I don't know why but lately at work we have been making each other faces on our sandwiches (sometimes it's really evident that I work with really young people and that I too may act a little young :) ) Anyway...here's a little sandwich art

With the weather cooling down a bit at night, and trying not to eat at night....we have been finding ourselves at the park quite a bit lately. It's weird to think that I have finally made it to the point where I can sit on the sidelines and watch my boys play rather than trying to squeeze myself around and through the playground following and ready to catch at a moments notice. I can honestly say that I truly enjoy the park!!

And last but not least, with the short approach of preschool we had to get a backpack (since we've been talking about it all summer!) and since Cooper was getting one, Payton had to have one too! Can I just mention how much I love Kohl's!! We got these 2 nifty backpacks for only $7!! I guess I know how to Kohls!! I just think they look so cute with their oversized backpacks on and ready to go.